Seoul is now on alert and reached level 4 of social distancing (the highest). In this 4th wave, COVID-19 is mainly spreading among the 20s and 30s who could not get vaccinated. According to experts, the 4th wave will continue, and more cases will be recorded in the following days. As the virus spread in the country, there have been numerous news about idols (and also actors) being COVID-19 positive for the past weeks, such as ATEEZ’s San, TREASURE’s DoYoung, or BTOB’s MinHyuk. Many groups were reported to have been in contact with positive cases too and went under quarantine. In the comments, overseas fans have been asking, “why are they not vaccinated?” (even if the vaccine does not make you 100% immune to the virus). Kpopmap is here to help you understand why. To simply answer the question, idols (unless they are military reservists in their 30s) can only get vaccinated if they manage to get leftover doses (a hard taste) at the moment. Even if they want to, it is not easy to be vaccinated in their age right now. This is the simple explanation, stay with us for more. It is a legit question for overseas fans to wonder why most of the K-Pop idols are not vaccinated. Indeed, various countries are already vaccinating their younger population. But not Korea (yet). Korea only started to vaccinate five months ago (which is quite late compared to some countries). Even if they started late and were/are lacking vaccines, they are currently receiving more vaccines and the country is vaccinating quickly. As of July 26, 32.90% of the population received the first shot and 13.36% the second shot. Korea prioritized older people and people working in medical fields (and some more fields). Recently, some teachers started to get vaccinated, while some other teachers are reserving vaccination (for more on the priorities of vaccination, you can refer to the Korean report here). For those not concern by these priorities, the vaccination just opened to the 50s. From July 26, people aged 55 to 59 and from August 16-28, people aged from 50 to 54, will be able to get their first shot.  Then what about the rest of the population? Suppose you are not in the age category open for vaccines and your job does not give you priority. In that case, you can apply in the standby list of leftovers. Those in their 30s can look for AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Pfizer leftover vaccines and people in their 20s Moderna and Pfizer leftover vaccines. It is quite hard to have access to leftover vaccines because there are too few and a lot of people are looking for them. Aside from leftovers, here are some cases you can get the vaccines.

  • Military reservists in their 30s are on the priority list. Idols such as INFINITE’s (Kim) SungKyu and Im SiWan got access to the Janssen vaccine because they are military reservists in their 30s.

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  • Those in the army in their 20s have access to Pfizer vaccines.
  • The government announced that students who will take the CSAT this year would have access to the vaccines. The online reservation started, and they will get the first shot of Pfizer vaccine between July-August so that they can pass the exam in November with immunity. Idols who are taking the exam this year will be able to get vaccinated. For idols in their 20s, it is hard to get vaccinated at the moment in Korea since they are not in the age priority and are not working in a field that gives them priorities. They can apply for leftovers vaccines of Moderna and Pfizer but there are few.  The broadcasting station TV Chosun after a series of positive cases among the staff, cast, and guests on their shows (despite keeping to all the rules) had asked the Korean government to consider putting the celebrities and staff of the broadcasting station on the priorities list but it received backlash from the public because it would make an exception to the rules. So when are people in their 10-20s getting vaccinated in Korea? It is hard to say at the moment! The information is being delayed. The government announced that the 18~49 vaccines reservation will open from mid-August. The dates are to be announced later in July. The situation is uncertain with officials saying that they will vaccinate even more but have vaccine supply issues. According to “The Korea Herald” reporting on Korea delaying second shot of vaccine shots (Pfizer and Moderna), Korea’s top health agency “denies that Korea is facing any changes or delays in vaccine deliveries, despite announcing last week that vaccinations for people in their 50s will be pushed back. … Kwon of the agency said the pace of vaccinations in Korea is “expected to pick up considerably from next week,” when 55- to 59-year-olds become eligible for their first doses of either Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.” To conclude, K-Pop idols might not be able to get their first shot before a while.   Important note: this article was written on July 26. The vaccination’s rules are quickly changing in Korea, so the situation might change soon.   UPDATE (Sept. 8): the vaccination is now open to the 18-49. The reservation started in late August. Everyone from 18-49 could take an appointment for their first shot for this September. For those over 18, the vaccination is yet to be opened. As of September 8, 61% of the population received the first shot and 36.33% the second shot. CLAIM: The Canadian province of Alberta lifted all COVID-19 restrictions after health officials couldn’t provide evidence in court that the virus exists. AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Alberta relaxed its COVID-19 restrictions because the province hit predetermined vaccination goals. Patrick King, a Canadian resident, has been falsely credited on social media with driving the change. But that’s due to a misunderstanding of what happened in a court case. THE FACTS: Court records show King was fined in December for violating COVID-19 measures, specifically for gathering in a large group while protesting masks and pandemic restrictions. King, who represented himself in court, sought to challenge the validity of Alberta’s public health rules and requested that the province’s chief medical officer of health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, present papers that discuss the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 “directly from a sample taken from a diseased patient.” In July, the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta quashed the subpoena and found that King had not shown the material he requested was relevant to his case. The court also said the health agency “has no material evidence” that pertains to King’s fine. Multiple social media users, including King, misrepresented the language used by the court, falsely suggesting it proved there is no evidence that COVID-19 exists. During an interview with conservative podcaster Stew Peters, King falsely stated: “They knew this whole time that this was never isolated,” later adding that restrictions were made to “bankrupt our country under the guise of a false pandemic.” *you can check the full details in the AP factcheck, which came out weeks before you posted this lie! As for Ireland, they are planning to lift restrictions by October because as of today 70% of the population there is fully vaccinated, 75% have received at least one shot. Again something easily factcheck. Do any of you conspiracy people look up the facts before believing whatever your told by some loony conspiracy propagandist?! But now, all you conspiracy nuts riddle me this, what would be the point of killing off hundreds of millions of people with a vaccine? A government, a country would cease to function without a certain populous, especially when the populous would consist of the most intelligent and intellectual people. And also consider this bit of common sense, why would hundreds of countries, including dozens that cannot agree on pretty much anything, agree to this? It doesn’t make sense, and if something doesn’t make sense, it usually isn’t true. But hey, you do you. Just if you get Covid, do the rest of us a favor and elect to not get medical assistance period, let the people that really need medical attention get it.

K Pop Idols Who Got The COVID Vaccine - 50K Pop Idols Who Got The COVID Vaccine - 10K Pop Idols Who Got The COVID Vaccine - 49K Pop Idols Who Got The COVID Vaccine - 77